Press the TEST/SET switch: Robi’s head should rotate 45° to the left, stop, then
move back across to 45° to the right, before returning to its original position. The
next step is to set the servo’s ID number, so keep the power on. If the test does not
run, or if the LEDs flash rapidly, refer to the HELP box in Stage 8.
Although this servo has been used for Robi’s
neck during the testing process, it will be his
forward-tilting head servo when fitted, with
the ID number 15. To set this, press UP 14
times, so that the 10 and 5 LEDs light up.
Press and hold down the TEST/SET button
for a few seconds. The 10 and 5 LEDs
should flash, then remain lit. The ID number
is now set.
If the test does not
run, check the servo
cable’s connector,
and ensure that the
battery is charged.
It is vital that Robi’s servos are set correctly,
so it is always a good idea to check that you
have set the intended ID number afterwards.
To do this, leave the servo connected, then
switch the power OFF, then back ON. Only
the 1 LED should light up.
To check the ID number, press TEST/SET briefly. Now the 10 and 5
LEDs should light up and the servo shaft should repeat the rotations
seen in the test. Note: if anything is amiss, you can begin the setting
process again from Step 23.
It is normal for the 1 LED to
light up when you switch on.
It will only change to give you
the ID number of the servo
when you press TEST/SET. If
you made a mistake, or set the
wrong ID number, you can reset
it by going through the setting
procedure again.
As you will have seen in the previous few packs, the process of
checking and resetting a servo’s ID number once fitted can be
fiddly and time-consuming, so be sure to get it correct now!