Rule Number
This is the number of a rule defined on this line. Click on the Rule Number field to display the
Selection Details screen, where you will configure the destinations for duplicated packets.
Source IP Range
These fields specify the inclusive range of source addresses for the packet selection criteria. If both
fields are blank then all source addresses are assumed. If only a single address is entered, then only
that one address is used.
Destination IP Range
These fields specify the inclusive range of destination addresses for the packet selection criteria. If
both fields are blank then all destination addresses are assumed. If only a single address is entered,
then only that one address is used.
Destination Port Range
These fields specify the inclusive range of destination UDP port numbers for the packet selection
criteria. If both fields are blank then all port numbers in the range 1 - 65535 are assumed. If only a
single port number is entered, then only that one port is used.