Advanced Channel Emulator
Programmer’s Manual
Options Property
The Options property allows changes to preferences for uploading files (Figure 30).
Figure 30: Preferences Property
Please note that the saved settings by pressing the "Save Config..."
button include all parameter settings, client preferences, graph
settings and connection states, whereas the INI file system only
saves client preferences.
To enable a particular option, check the box next to the option.
Each dynamic data file that is converted and downloaded by
contain a unique timestamp identifier in the preamble. A local copy of the
converted file is saved to the execution file directory. To use this local copy of
the converted file when uploading graph data, check the "Use Local Copy of File
if Available" box. If the unique timestamp of the file does not match the
preamble of the file residing on the instrument or is not found locally, the file will
be uploaded from the device.
To save a copy of the file uploaded from the instrument on the local computer
, check the "Save Upload Data to Local Computer" box. This
may speed the upload process on subsequent executions of the client application.