The 4030 is equipped with an internal 3-V lithium battery. This battery
is necessary to maintain the instrument's DATA RAM and to retain
factory-entered analog alignment values required for accurate
calibration. Data retention is guaranteed down to a battery level of 2.2
V-DC. Under normal usage, the battery should last about five years.
The 4030 will check its battery every time the unit is turned on. If on
powerup, the battery is found to be below 3.0 V-DC, the front-panel
LCD will display a warning of "LO bat." Note that at this level the
battery will still be good for weeks or even months. You are advised,
however, to
change the battery as soon as possible after the warning
first appears. Detailed instructions for this procedure are given in
Appendix E of this manual.
To acknowledge the "LO bat" warning and resume the normal display,
simply press any one of the front-panel buttons.
Low Battery Warning