Gas � lling
Use butane gas only. Re� lling outside and
away from people.
Shake the butane gas cylinder a few times to
warm up the fuel.
Move the � ame adjustment switch (3) to “-”
Slide continous � ame lock (6) to “Off ”
Turn the torch upside down. Insert the
butane cylinder fuel pipe into the � lling valve
(8) and press down.
As soon as the gas over� ows from the � lling
valve, stop fueling immediately.
Each gas � lling is suggested to be carried out
in 3-5 seconds intervals. Repeat the � lling 2-3
times to � nish the gas � lling.
After fuelling, allow a few minutes for the gas
to stabilize before the torch is used.
Note! Never use the butane cylinder without
the fuel pipe attached!