Step 4: Install front tire
1. Remove skewer from small cardboard box in larger bike box. (4:1)
2. Remove plastic nut and one spring from skewer. (4:1)
3. Place skewer through front tire so the skewer handle will be on the left side of the bike when tire is
installed. (There is an arrow on tire sidewall that shows which way tire rotates) Replace spring (small
end toward middle of tire) and plastic nut. (4:2) NOTE: Do not loosen or tighten nuts on each side of
4. Release front brake pads if they are connected. Slide rubber cover off brake cable housing and pull
brake cable housing out of pivot on right side brake arm. It may be necessary to loosen the brake cable
bolt on the left side brake arm to get brake cable housing out of pivot. (4:3)
5. Slide tire between brake pads, and at the same time, make sure axle slides into slots at the bottom of
the front fork. Make sure tire is centered in fork. (4:4 and 4:5)
6. With handle on skewer open (4:4), tighten plastic cap. Pull hand le up. Keep tight ening nut and
pulling up on handle until handl e is so tight that it can barely be closed. Be sure handle is in closed
position as close to fork as possible.
7. Place brake cable housing into pivot. It may be necessary to loosen the brake cable bolt on the left
side brake arm to get brake cable housing back into pivot. (4:6)
8. Place rubber cover back over brake cable housing.