Chapter 3
Using Your Weather Station
The console LCD screen and keyboard provide easy access to your weather
information. The large LCD display shows current and past environmental
conditions as well as a forecast of future conditions. The keyboard controls
console functions for viewing current and historical weather information, set-
ting and clearing alarms, changing stations types, viewing and/or changing
station settings, setting up and viewing graphs, selecting sensors, getting the
forecast, and so on.
Console Modes
The Vantage Pro2 console operates in five different modes:
Setup Mode
Setup Mode provides access to the station configuration settings that control
how the station operates. Setup Mode consists of series of screens for select-
ing console and weather station options. The screens that display in Setup
Mode vary depending on the weather station type (cabled or wireless), or if
the console has a WeatherLink connection already established. See the Weath-
erLink Getting Started Guide for more information on connecting your con-
sole to your computer.
Setup Mode Commands
Setup Mode displays when the console is first powered. This mode can be dis-
played at any time to change any of the console/weather station options. Use
the following commands to enter, exit and navigate Setup Mode:
• Enter Setup Mode by pressing DONE and the down arrow (-)
at the same
The console automatically enters Setup Mode when first powered.
• Press DONE to move to the next screen in the Setup Mode.
• Press BAR to display the previous screen in the Setup Mode.
• Exit Setup Mode by pressing and holding DONE until the Current Weather
screen displays.
Use Setup Mode to enter the time, date, and other information required to
calculate and display weather data.
Current Weather
Use Current Weather Mode to read the current weather information, change
measurement units, and to set, clear or calibrate weather readings.
High/Low Mode displays the daily, monthly or yearly high and low readings.
Alarm Mode allows you to set, clear, and review alarm settings.
Graph Mode displays your weather data using over 100 different kinds of graphs.