Vantage Pro Options
Console Modes
The console operates in five basic modes: Setup, Current Weather, Highs and
Lows, Alarm, and Graph. Each mode lets you to access a different set of con-
sole functions or to display a different aspect of your weather data.
Vantage Pro Options
Optional Sensors
Vantage Pro2 stations are extremely flexible. Use the following optional sen-
sors and wireless stations to enhance the weather monitoring capabilities of
your Vantage Pro2. See our website for complete details: www.davisnet.com.
Optional wireless stations can only be used with Wireless Vantage Pro2 Stations.
Optional WeatherLink
The WeatherLink software and data logger connect your Vantage Pro2 station
directly to a computer, providing enhanced weather monitoring capabilities
and powerful internet features. The WeatherLink data logger fits neatly on the
console and stores weather data even when the computer is turned off.
Optional Sensor and Stations
Wireless Weather Envoy (#6316)
Performs much of the same functions as a Vantage Pro2
console, but without a display. Use Envoy to interface your
wireless station to a computer when you’d rather place the
console in another location for viewing weather conditions
Anemometer Transmitter Kit
Provides more flexible anemometer placement for wireless
Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/
Temperature Station (#6345)
Measures and transmits leaf wetness, soil moisture and
temperature data. For use with GLOBE.
Wireless Temperature Station
Measures and transmits temperature data.
Wireless Temperature/Humidity
Station (#6382)
Measures and transmits air temperature and humidity data.
Solar Radiation Sensor (# 6452)
Measures solar radiation. Required for calculating
evapotranspiration (ET). Available for cabled and wireless
stations. Requires Sensor Mounting Shelf (#6672).
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Sensor
Measures UV radiation. Required for calculating the UV dose.
Available for Cabled and Wireless stations. Requires Sensor
Mounting Shelf (#6672).
WeatherLink Option
WeatherLink for Windows, USB
connection (#6150USB)
Includes WeatherLink software and USB data logger. Allows
you to save and view your weather data on your PC.
WeatherLink for Windows, serial
connection (6150SER)
Includes WeatherLink software and serial data logger.
Allows you to save and view your weather data on your PC.
WeatherLink for Macintosh OS X,
USB connection (#6520C)
Includes WeatherLink software and USB data logger. Allows
you to save and view your weather data on your Mac.