Graph Mode
Viewing Graphs
Although the graphs available may vary for each weather variable, you display
the graphs in the same way.
1. Press GRAPH to enter Graph
Only the date, graph, graph
icon, and selected variable are
visible. The rest of the screen
is blank.
2. Select a variable to graph.
Values for the each of the last
24 hours are displayed in the graph, each hour represented by a dot. The dot
at right end of the graph is the value for the current hour. You’ll notice that
the dot is blinking.
3. Press the left arrow and the second dot from the right starts to blink.
The screen displays the new dot’s value. The time display shows what hour
of the last 24 is being viewed.
4. Press the left and right arrows to view the variable’s values for each of the
last 24 hours. The console also displays the maximum and minimum tem-
peratures recorded in the last 24 hours.
5. Press the up and down arrows to shift the graph’s time span.
If you press the down arrow,
the graph shifts from the last
24 hours to the last 24 days.
Now each dot represents the
high recorded on the day
shown in the date field. To see
the lows recorded in the last 24
days, press HI/LOW. Press the
left and right arrows to move
between days.
By pressing the down
arrow again, the graph shifts to show the highs of the
last 24 months. As before, use the right and left arrows to move between
months. Press HI/LOW to shift between the highs and lows.
By pressing the down
arrow again, the graph shifts one more time to show the
highs of the last 24 years. Press HI/LOW to shift between highs and lows.
The console beeps when you’ve reached the first or last possible value or time
span for the graph. Since the console only graphs data collected by the station,
the graphs can only show data collected since the station was first installed.
Vertical Scale:
Last 24 hrs
Every 1
Vertical Scale: 5
Last 24 days
Every 1