Wireless Version: Powering the ISS and Testing Communication with the Console
Page 13
(Setup of Wireless version, continued...)
Verifying Reception of ISS Data at the Console
Install three C batteries to power-up your console/receiver, if you haven’t done
so already. Details in the Console Manual: “Wireless Vantage Pro Console
Installation.” If it is already powered but not in Setup Mode, press and hold the
DONE key then press the DOWN arrow key.
When powered-up, the console will go into Setup Mode – Screen 1: Transmit-
ters. You should see the words: “RECEIVING FROM...” and “STATION NO.”
followed by the transmitter IDs that your console detects.
The number ‘1’ shows that your ISS is being detected, unless you changed its
ID with the DIP switches. (If you did, change it at the console also. Please see
the Console Manual: “Setup Mode – Screen 2: Selecting Transmitters”).
If you see the number ‘1’, press and hold down the DONE key to view the data
onscreen. If you do not, skip down to “TEST mode” below.
Viewing Current Data
You should now see weather readings from your ISS displayed onscreen. Near
the center of the screen, look for inside and outside temperatures. Spin the
wind cups to check wind speed, pressing the WIND key if necessary to alter-
nate between speed and direction in the compass rose. Turn the wind vane,
and allow 5 seconds for the wind direction display to stabilize before moving it
The outside relative humidity reading takes approximately one minute to dis-
play after power-up.
For Vantage Pro Plus
Press the UV/SOLAR key for current ultraviolet and solar radiation readings.
These should be zero or close to zero while the ISS is inside. Zero is a valid
reading — if no data comes from the sensors, the display will show only
Display of current weather data confirms connection between your ISS and
the console. Go on to “Reassembling the Radiation Shield” on page 15.