Copyright Information
"All content and visuals within this manual are protected by copyright and are the intellectual property of Davex Engineering (M)
Sdn. Bhd. Unauthorized reproduction, extraction, or use of the content is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from one of
our company's representatives. If you have received authorization to use the content in this manual, you must adhere to the terms
of the authorization and provide proper attribution to the 'source of content.' Please be aware that any violation of this statement
may result in legal consequences.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liabilities
The specifications, illustrations, and information in this manual are based on the latest data provided by our technicians. DAVIS
LIGHTING reserves the right to update the manual without prior notice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
of the information in this manual, including product specifications, features, and illustrations, no guarantee is provided regarding
the completeness of its content.
DAVIS LIGHTING shall not be held liable for any direct, special, incidental, or indirect damages, including consequential
economic loss (such as loss of profits).
Before operating or maintaining this charger, please read this manual carefully, paying extra attention to the safety warnings and