Mounting on a Flat Surface
Attach the Node to the mounting surface in the desired location using the lag
screws and backing plates as shown below. Use a pencil or a center-punch to mark
the location of the pilot hole.
Manage Your Data
Log on to WeatherLink.com to view and manage your data.
You can also use view and manage your data on your
smartphone with the Mobilize app. Find the app by
searching for Davis Mobilize in the iOS App Store or
Google Play Store.
You can also use Davis’s Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) software with EnviroMonitor to manage pest
and disease risk for your specific crop. Available for
Grapes, (prod. no. 6571), Apples and Pears (prod. no.
6572), Stone Fruits (prod. no. 6573), and Nut Trees
(prod. no. 6574).
Download the
Mobilize App