4. Using an adjustable wrench or 1/2" wrench, tighten the nuts.
5. Place the second U-bolt around the pole and through the two holes at the bottom of the
6. Put a flat washer, a lock washer, and a hex nut on each bolt end, and tighten the hex
nuts so that the Yagi remains in place, but can still be adjusted.
7. Rotate the Yagi so that is points to the desired station/repeater/receiver.
8. Tighten the hex nuts so that the Yagi is firmly attached.
9. Place the omni antenna a distance above the Yagi antenna, providing space between
the mounted antennas.
Ideally, omni antenna should be mounted flush with the very top of the pole, so that
the pole does not interfere with the antenna’s communication.
10.While holding the omni antenna against the pole, place a U-bolt around the pole and
through the two holes at the top and of the antenna plate.
11.Place a flat washer, a lock washer and a hex nut on each of the bolt ends.
12.Using an adjustable wrench or 1/2" wrench, tighten the nuts.
13.Place the second U-bolt around the pole and through the two holes at the bottom of the
Two Yagi Antenna Combination Assembly
The Yagi and Yagi assembly should be performed from the bottom antenna (Yagi) up to
the top antenna (Yagi) so that the Yagi antenna can be installed flush to the top of the
1. Place the Yagi on the pole in the general vicinity of the desired station/repeater/
2. Place a U-bolt around the pole and through the two holes at the top and of the antenna
3. Place a flat washer, a lock washer and a hex nut on each of the bolt ends.