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you increase the angle of attack. Rotation in the
asymmetrical stall is called a negative spiral. This is
one of the most dangerous flying situations. In order
to get out of the asymmetrical stall, just release the
brakes. There may follow side thrust forward with the
following wing collapse.
10.6 B stall
We do not recommend a B stall with the DUET PRO.
This technique is generally very hard to use with DUET
PRO by the high force needed to pull down the B lines.
10.7 Cravat
In case a cravat should occur from an asymmetric
collapse or other maneuvers, it is important to keep
your flying direction by applying some brake on the
opposite side and weight shift.
You can also use strong deep pumps on the brake to
the cravatted side. If a pull of the brake line is
unsuccessful, pulling the stable line which is the
outermost line on the B-riser may work.
If you can not do it and the rotation is increasing, you
must use the parachute.