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The asymmetric collapse usually happens when the
pilot has not foreseen this possible reaction of the
Asymmetric collapses should be controlled by weight
shifting away from the collapse and applying enough
brake to control your direction. And you should use
the brake to re-inflate the glider.
10.2 Frontal collapse
DUET PRO does not come out the symmetrical front
collapse by itself. It has high internal pressure with its
well designed profile. However symmetric collapse may
occur in strong turbulent conditions, but It could be
fast recovered if you apply the brake down to 15 to
20cm. Release the brake lines, you may recover to the
normal flight.
10.3 Full stall
The full stall can occur when you fully pull both
brakes enough a long time. To recover to the normal
flight you must release both brakes. After this usually
comes a front dive with a possible front deflation. An
asymmetric recovery (one control released faster than
the other) from a full stall can cause a big dynamic
collapse. The full-stall is a hazardous maneuver and
not recommended as it requires very high forces.
The available brake travel before stalling the wing