4. Spaces are ignored, except in operational texts which are meant to be a part of a David
5. The successful processing of a programming SMS is confirmed from David by the SMS
reply “PROGRAM OK”.
6. When an error is encountered, David reports a “PROGRAM ERROR” followed by the text of
the instruction which has not been recognized. Preceding instructions within the message
are carried out, succeeding instructions are ignored.
7. David is not case sensitive (does not distinguish between lowercase and UPPERCASE
8. The use of accented characters is not recommended.
9. After an SMS message has been received, David switches off both the X and Y relays.
10. See table 1 for a brief instruction list.
7. Remote operation via SMS instructions
When using texts which have been programmed for David SMS operation (relay control, status
interrogation) the following conditions apply:
David does not distinguish between authorized and unauthorized phones when processing
operational SMS instructions. Instructions can be sent from any phones, but the texts must
match the texts which have been pre-programmed (except the lowercase/UPPERCASE
Access codes
part of operational SMSes.
A single SMS message can contain multiple instructions separated by commas, e.g.
David can be so configured that every instruction performance is reported by SMS.
Received SMSes with unrecognised instructions can be forwarded to the so called service
number (see table 1).
If you are not sure whether any other text will be automatically added to the SMS on its way
to David (for example, when
using an SMS internet gate
) type the message like this:
%instructions%%. Example: The SMS text “
1/1 www: %heating on%%”
is interpreted as
heating on
8. Remote operation via dialling-in
David allows you to control the X and Y relays via dialling-in from pre-authorised phones. If a
call is made to David from a pre-programmed number, the call is rejected and the relay reacts as
If a limit is set to the relay switch-on period then the relay switches on for the limit period.
If no limit is set (zero value is set for the limit) then the relay switches on permanently -
until a switch-off SMS instruction or another dialling-in event occurs.
Up to 50 tel. numbers can be programmed for each relay.
Each tel. number can have a limit to the number of calls so that any further calls are ignored.
This feature is not applicable to phones with withheld numbers.
Dialling-in relay control can be reported by SMS.
9. Using prepaid SIM cards
Prepaid SIM cards are NOT recommended for use in David
, because they increase the risk
of David malfunctioning due to a possible credit balance under-run.
If you still decide to use a prepaid SIM card, you can configure David for periodic balance
interrogation. If the reported credit balance is lower than the set limit, the credit balance
message will be automatically sent to the service phone numbers. To program this feature you