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Typical Installation
One Way
Media Filter
Water Pump
* Vacuum breaker required if installation is greater than 3m above pool water line
and is greater than12m in length.
Commissioning Filter
Refer to “operating instructions” below for
safety warning
multiport valve
prior to the filter start-up. The pool should be slightly overfilled and the filter
backwashed and then run on RINSE to prevent dust and fine particles in the media
bed returning to the pool.
1. Backwash the filter for up to 2 to 3 minutes, then stop the pump.
2. Position the valve handle to “RINSE”.
3. Start the pump and run until the water in the valve sight glass becomes clear.
4. Stop the pump and position the valve handle to “FILTER”.
5. Start the pump. The Filter is now in filtration mode.
6. To determine the correct operating conditions, check the pressure gauge
reading is 80kPa or below. Record the clean operating pressure of your filter.
Operating Instructions
Ensure all lids / closures / clamps are correctly secured before
operating system.
Never adjust clamps or change valve settings with the system
under pressure.
Relieve all pressure from system before working on filter.
Multiport Valve Control
The flow of water through the filter is controlled by the multiport valve on the top
of the filter tank. The handle on top of the valve can be moved to any one of six
positions, which have the following functions: