Static Logos
SE-2800 can store 7 static logos. SEConfig bookmark "Logos".
The static Logos to be loaded and written into 1 to 7 memory slots must be 256x128 pixels. This Logos must be
created in a graphics software package first as:
• TGA 32bit with a clear Alpha Channel background.
• PNG 32bit with a clear Alpha Channel background.
• GIF.Indexed color 8 bit with a transparent background but without translucent shadow.
• BMP 24bit file - without a transparent background. It is possible to use the pair of BMP files for clear
Alpha Channel BG added by SEConfig: The first file - Logo with Black background named as xxx.bmp ,
the second - Logo with white background named as xxx_w.bmp. The SEConfig accept this pair as one
• JPG 24bit file - without a transparent background.
It can be possible to save logos in the own SEConfig format lbl or bin and Load it by SEConfig