H.264 Network Video Streaming Server
Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)
Use NVS-25 to deliver a single IP video stream [TCP] to a server on a Wide Area
Network [WAN] like the
(RTMP Publish) or to a small group of clients on a
private Local Area Network [LAN] (RTMP Local).
The server on the WAN could be the server of a
Content Delivery Network
such as
. To use a CDN, you may need to register for a free / trial account with
additional costs first. The user just need to deliver one video stream to the CDN and that
IP video feed will be shared among multiple viewers. This means less work for you and
the NVS-25 as well. CDNs differ in tariffs and the way they operate so
it is best to do
your homework beforehand.
The server on a WAN could also be your own
. Wowza server is another
form of CDN solution, typically for large organizations, where you brand the look and
feel of the delivery network plus the video stream itself.
Again it is best to do your
homework beforehand.
Connect your NVS-25 to a server and use the IP finder to search for the device on the
network. Once the NVS-25 IP address is known, enter the IP address into the web
browser address bar on the computer or other devices. Please refer to the section on
How to find NVS-25 on an IP network
for more information.
Enter the username and password to log into NVS-25 to gain access to the
of the web-based graphical user interface. Please refer to the section on
NVS-25 Login
using a Web-Based Graphical User Interface
for more information.
Click on
and change the protocol to RTMP Publish or RTMP Local. If you are
sending the NVS-25 stream to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), please select RTMP
Publish and enter your CDN Publish URL and Stream Name in the text box as shown
Click on
Apply to select the desired protocol.
Once the NVS-25 configuration progress bar displays 100% completion, you can now
view the streaming video from NVS-25 on the Content Delivery Network (CDN).