Network Video Decoder
RTSP protocol
Only displayed if a RTSP stream is being used, the transport protocol can be
manually specified.
MISC. Options
Enable Safe Buffering (TCP Only) can only be used with TCP based stream
types, recommended for use with HTTP:// type streams or progressive
download HLS streams.
Decoding video from the NVS-25/30 encoder
The decode video from the NVS the NVD-35 must be on the same local
network (Ethernet/WiFi) or be able to access the NVS stream over the internet.
When the NVS is in RTSP TCP/UDP mode
Simply copy the RTSP URL from the ‘Live’ tab of the NVS and enter it into the
‘Input Stream’ field on the NVD-35. When streaming over LAN it is
recommended to set the NVS in RTSP (TCP/UDP) mode.
When the NVS is in RTMP mode Local server mode
Simply copy the RTSP URL from the ‘Live’ tab of the NVS and enter it into the
‘Input Stream’ field on the NVD-35
When the NVS-25 is in HLS mode
Simply copy the HLS URL from the ‘Live’ tab of the NVS and enter it into the
‘Input Stream’ field on the NVD-35
Please Note:
When in HLS mode the buffer size should be set to 1.0 seconds
or higher, if you notice audio artifacts you must increase the buffer size or
enable the ‘Safe Buffering’ option.
Decoding other stream types
To decode other stream types such as UDP multicast or TCP simply enter the
stream URL into the ‘Input Stream’ field of the NVD-35.
Listening for a Pushed UDP Stream
To listen for a pushed UDP stream enter the following URL into the ‘Input
Stream’ field of the NVD-35.
Replacing 9710 with the port number of the pushed stream.