Fig. 9.
A Quick Tour
The SSP has the following sensors and actuators
Potentiometer 1 – variable voltage, current or current loop
Potentiometer 2 – variable resistance
Potentiometer 3 – variable RTD simulator
Speaker / Microphone
Light Sensor – a silicon photodiode which outputs a voltage and current proportional to
ambient light
Ruler – configured as a full bridge, in which 2 halves of the ruler are two active arms of the
DB9 connector for serial data channel, configured as a PC COM1
2 push buttons – digital inputs
5 yellow LEDs –digital outputs
Single pole changeover Relay (under pcb) and 2 terminal block
Flexible tongue – configured as a full bridge, where fine copper tracks on the topside and
underside of the tongue are two active arms of the bridge
Magnetic pickup on the tongue
Analog output LEDs