Using the SSP with DeLogger4
This section briefly describes the use of each of the sensors and actuators on the SSP. To run the
example programs run the distribution CD ROM to load the project into DeLogger. Then open
DeLogger4 then click on Open and select DT800 SSP and click on open. Select the file named DT800
SSP.dlw and click on open
Potentiometer 1 (Labelled 1V, 1+V, 1+L)
This potentiometer is connected to analog input channel 1, and produces the following signals on the
terminals (ranges are approximate)
a variable voltage in the range of 0 to 1800 mV
a variable current in the range 0 to 18 mA
a variable current in the range 4 to 20 mA
a variable current loop in the range 0 to 100 %
These inputs can be read by loading and running the DeLogger program Prog1.dl8. To open and run
this program, from the DeLogger top menu bar, click on Window and then click on Prog1.dl8. Then
select Program and click on send to connection.
Fig. 11.
Potentiometer 2 (Labelled 3R)
This potentiometer is connected to analog input channel 3 as a 4 wire resistance input, and produces
a variable resistance in the range approximately 0 to 500 Ohm.
The potentiometer resistance can be read by loading the DeLogger program Prog2.dl8.
Fig. 12.