Region 3
The left figure for Region 3 will be zero as the left of the monitor displays the left of the source canvas. In a
2 x 2 monitor configuration the figure for the left will be the same for both Regions 1 and 3.
Enter zero in the Left box.
To calculate the Top figure (point H, Fig.1)
Measure the distance between A and C (900mm) minus the distance between H to C (448mm),
divide by the distance between A to C (900mm) then multiply by the pixel height of the source
900mm-448mm = 452mm
(452mm ÷ 900mm) x 1080 lines = 542 lines
Enter 542 into the Top box for Region 3.
Alternatively, simply subtract the the previously calculated region height (538) from the known input
canvas height:
1080 - 538 = 542 lines
Region 4
To calculate the left figure (point P, Fig.1)
Measure the distance between C and D (1500mm) minus the distance between M to D (730mm),
divide by the distance between C to D (1500mm) then multiply by pixel width of the source (1920).
1500mm-730mm = 770mm
(770mm ÷ 1500mm) x 1920 pxels = 986 pixels
Enter 986 into the Left box for Region 4.
Alternatively, simply subtract the the previously calculated region width (934) from the known input
canvas width:
1920 - 934 = 986
To calculate the Top figure (point P, Fig.1)
Measure the distance between B and D (900mm) minus the distance between Q to D (448mm),
divide by the distance between B to D (900mm) then multiply by pixel height of the source (1080).
900mm-448mm = 452mm ÷ 900mm x 1080 lines = 542 lines
Enter 542 into the Top box for Region 4.
Alternatively, simply subtract the the previously calculated region height (538) from the known input
canvas height:
1080 - 538 = 542 lines
This formula provides a 2 x 2 bezel corrected video wall.
In some instances minor adjustments may be required due to small gaps etc. Any adjustment should be
made using the Top and Left controls only.