Region 3
For the width, calculate the following:
The distance between I to H (730mm) divided by the distance between I to K (2500mm) multiplied
by the source width (1920).
(730 ÷ 2500) x 1920 = 561
Input the number 561 as the Width for Region 3.
To calculate the height of Region 3:
Measure the active screen area between I and P
In this example I to P = 448mm.
For the height, calculate the following:
The distance between I to P (448mm) divided by the distance between A to C (1500mm) multiplied
by the source height(1080).
(448 ÷ 1500) x 1080 = 323
Input the number 323 as the height for Region 3.
To calculate the Top number for Region 3 (In this example the top for region 3 is the same for region 4)
Measure the distance from A to C (inside bezels).
In this example A to C = 1500mm.
Calculate the following:
The distance between A to C (1500mm) minus the distance between C to H (730mm) divided by A
to C (1500mm) multiplied by the source height (1080).
(1500 - 730) ÷ 1500 x 1080 = 554
Enter 554 into the Top box for Region 3.
As the Left of the monitor captures the left of the source canvas enter zero in the left box for Region 3.