Darkness Adjustment
The Darkness Adjustment allows the operator to adjust the ‘print darkness’ on
the printed ticket. Turning the Darkness Adjustment clockwise will make the
print darker, turning it counterclockwise will lighten the print. Print darkness
can also be controlled by using host commands.
The buttons have the following functions when pressed in individually or
in combination with one or more of the other buttons while the printer is
in the OFF-LINE mode or during power-up.
F1 + F3 – Pressing the F1 and F3 buttons with the printer in the OFF-LINE
mode will cause the printer to perform a warm reset to the ON-LINE mode
of operation.
F1 + F2 – Pressing the F1 and F2 buttons with the printer in the OFF-LINE
mode will cause the printer to print a dot test pattern for the operator to
verify the operation of the thermal printhead.
F2 + F3 – Pressing the F2 and F3 buttons with the printer in the OFF-LINE
mode will cause the printer to print the database configuration ticket.
F2 – Holding the F2 button during power-up will cause the printer to print a
database configuration ticket and enter into a communications character
dump mode of operation
F1+F2+F3 – Holding the F1+F2+F3 buttons during power-up will cause
the printer reset to its default database configuration.