Occasionally, a printer will need to be reset to factory defaults. To do this, turn the printer off.
Then, hold down F1 and F3 while turning it on. This resets the printer.
The "Tear offset" is how far the ticket sticks out at the end of the print job. Before the start of
the next print job, it gets pulled back in so the ticket can print from edge to edge. Normally, the
settings in this setup sheet are sufficient. However, the position of the black line can vary up to
1/8”. Occasionally, you will change to a new batch of tickets and the tickets will be pulled back
so far into the printer that the rubber pinch rollers lose their grip of the stock. All the ticket
sellers notice is that the printer is trying and not succeeding in pushing the stock through. The
solution is to adjust the top offset.
Additional notes for Tixsales users and Wintix (using the DPL language):
With the Datamax printer codes, you need to know where the start point is. It should be on the
perforation. If not, you probably are feeding the stock from the wrong end of the stack.
Datamax printer codes are similar to the FGL codes in that they have a row and column
designator. They are different in that they also contain information about the font, rotation,
horizontal, and vertical multipliers. Take a look on page 65 of EDPL.pdf (on the Datamax CD).
It will give you some vague hints.
The title of the show gets sent to the printer like this:
4911A1400500040Hello Dali
The codes are formatted like this in Tixsales:
Here's what it means:
4 = Rotation
9 = Font ID
1 = Width multiplier
1 = Height multiplier
A14 = Font size ID. In this case, the A14 specifies the smooth, proportional font, size 14
point. If you had wanted a monospace font, you would have entered a "005" (see table C-3 in
the EDPL.pdf for examples).
0050 = Row position - measured in inches (0050 corresponds to ½ inch)
0040 = Column position
More notes:
The row and column are measured from the top and left edges of the ticket.
An explanation of the different types of bar codes available is on page 71.
You can print other things on the ticket like lines, boxes, circles and polygons
if you can translate pages 72-75 of EDPL.pdf into English.
If you are using Windows XP, you will probably need the Datamax “pass-through”
driver. This is a print driver that does not do anything. It simply takes the characters it
receives and passes them to the printer. This is something that XP refuses to do. The
only catch with this driver is that you need to go to the printer icon properties. Click on
the Settings tab. Select the option, “Add a carriage return and line feed.”
In order to use these codes, you will need to install the “Datamax Pass Through” driver.
This is a special print driver that is unique in that it does not do anything. It just passes
the codes to the printer. This is necessary with most versions of Windows (like XP)
because Windows will not allow things like character 2’s to pass. It simply removes
The Pass Through driver is also useful with other printers if you are using a Windows
printing format. Many times, the Windows text drivers give problems that can be fixed
by sending the proper codes to the printer.