76MOTOROLA S<$IFile Formats;Motorola> Format
@LIST 1 = 2-3
@LIST 2 = "00" Number of Bytes.
@LIST 1 = 4-7
@LIST 2 = 2 byte Transfer Address usually
@LIST 1 = 8-9
@LIST 2 = "01" Record Type
@LIST 1 = 10-11
@LIST 2 = Checksum complement of all bytes
except colon, linefeed
and return usually "FF"<R>
This makes the line add up to zero.
@LIST 1 = 12-13
@LIST 2 = Carriage return and line feed
Formats;Motorola> Format
<$IMOTOROLA File Format>A Motorola,
Exorciser or "S" Format file can
be examined using a text editor and printed.<R>
Each record is a single line of ASCII characters,
expressing bytes
as hexadecimal pairs, terminated with Carriage
return and Linefeed.(0D,0A).
All records start with an "S".<R>
The transmission is terminated by ASCII End-of-
File (1A).
S0 Header Record
@LIST 1 = Position
@LIST 2 = Character
@LIST 1 = 1-2
@LIST 2 = "S0"
@LIST 1 = 3-N
@LIST 2 = Comments
@LIST 1 = N+1,2