Muting direction
The ESPE can be used with both bidirectional (T type, four sensors) and monodirectional (L type, two sensors)
Bidirectional Muting can be used in those applications in which the packs can move in both directions and
monodirectional Muting can be used in those applications in which the packs move in one direction only.
In BCM the maximum activation delay between MUTING1 and MUTING2 (T12max) is 4 sec.
Muting T
In T type operations the device enters Muting function if the input MUTING2 goes high within a fixed T12max after
the rise of MUTING1 (or viceversa).
The Muting function ends as soon as the signal on MUTING1 or MUTING2 goes low. A further custom delay
(Tdelay) may be set by the user in a 0-1000 ms range. The maximum activation delay between MUTING1 and
MUTING2 (or viceversa) can be set by the user from a minimum of 1 sec to a maximum of 16 sec (T12max).
After this time if the user wants to enter in Muting has to deactivate the Muting input and start the sequence from
the beginning.
Fig 58 - T Muting timings
The sensors named A1/A2 are connected to the same Muting input (MUTING1) and the sensors named B1/B2 are
connected to MUTING2.
The sensors that end with “1” are on the same side of the light curtain and are on the opposite side of the sensors
that end with “2”.
“D” is the distance at which the sensors A1/A2 or B1/B2 have to be mounted; it depends on the package length (L):
D < L
“d1” is the maximum distance between the Muting sensors; it depends on the package speed (V):
d1max[cm] = V[m/s] * T12[s] * 100,
“d2” is the maximum distance for the Muting request to be accepted; it depends on the package speed (V):
d2max[cm] = V[m/s] * T12[s] * 100,
where “T12” is the activation delay between MUTING1 and MUTING2 that is selectable by the user by means of