Muting function disable
During light curtain operations Muting function can be dynamically disabled or enabled: when disabled no valid
Muting request will be accepted at the MUTINGX inputs and safety function will always be on.
The user can disable the Muting function at runtime by setting a high level on the signal MUTING DISABLE (pin 7
of the M12-12 poles connector).
Muting signalling devices
In order to make use of Muting function, it is compulsory to connect a dedicated signalling device (lamp); without it
the light curtain goes in failure lock-out state.
Both incandescent and LED lamps are allowed. In case of use of LED lamp, take care to connect it respecting the
right polarity .
A Lamp TEST is executed cyclically when the lamp is lighted on in order to guarantee the detection of lack of
If a lamp break is detected, ESPE goes in Lamp Failure Lock-Out state and shows the related message on the
display (refer to cfr.
for informations about the lamp).
Typical Muting application and safety light curtain connection
The figure shows a typical Muting application: a protection installed on a conveyor should allow the pack passing-
by but not the worker.
The ESPE temporarily suspends its safety function on a correct activation sequence of A1, B1, A2, B2 sensors.
These sensors can be optical, mechanical, proximity sensors … etc., with high output PNP when the object is
Fig 57 - Typical Muting Application