Intercharacter Delay
This parameter specifies the intercharacter delay between the end of one character and
the beginning of the next. The delay can be set within a range of zero (0) to 990 millisec
onds in 10ms increments. A setting of zero specifies no delay. See "
for more detailed programming instructions.
Intercode Delay
Specifies the delay between labels transmitted to the host for this interface. The select
able range for this feature is from 0 to 99 seconds. See "
more detailed programming instructions
Intercharacter Delay = No Delay
Select Intercharacter Delay Setting
To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar
code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig
its from the Alphanumeric characters in
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.
00 = No Intercharacter Delay
Set Intercode Delay
To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT PRO
GRAMMING MODE bar code above, then the bar
code at left followed by the digits from the Alphanu
ing your desired character(s). End by scanning the
ENTER/EXIT bar code again.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.
00 = No Intercode Delay