Using the PowerScan™ PBT9300
PowerScan™ PBT9300
Using the PowerScan™ PBT9300
The PowerScan™ PBT9300 reader normally functions by
capturing and decoding bar codes. The reader is equipped
with an aiming system which helps to aim the target.
Table 1. Aiming System
PowerScan™ PBT9300 provides an aiming system. If
enabled, a partial trigger press produces a red spot, which
should be aimed over the code center to get the best
reading performance, see figure (1) above. By completely
pressing the trigger the scan line appears to start the
code scanning (2).
Scan Line Position
Code scanning is performed along the scan line emitted
from the reading window. This line must cross the entire
code. The best reading angles are indicated in the figure