Heron™ HD3130
The reader is factory-configured with a set of standard default fea-
tures. After scanning the interface barcode from the Interfaces sec-
tion, select other options and customize your reader through use of
the programming bar codes available in the Heron™ HD3130 Product
Reference Guide (PRG). Check the corresponding features section for
your interface, and also the Data Editing and Symbologies chapters
of the PRG.
Restore Defaults
Resetting the Standard Product Defaults
If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your reader, or
you’ve changed some options and want the factory settings restored,
scan the Factory Default Settings bar code below. This will copy the
factory configuration for the currently active interface to the current
Factory Default Settings
To change the settings refer to the Heron™ HD3130 PRG.
COUNTRY MODE (continued)
Country Mode = Sweden
Country Mode = Switzerland