Manual Datafox Evo 4.3
Page 133
Date: 27.12.2017 V 04.03.09.XX
General infomation
Biometrics offers the possibility of identification and verification by the body's characteristics. Data-
fox supports finger detection with the fingerprint module. ID cards and PINs are no longer necessary
and thus cannot be forgotten. Reading the fingerprint replaces reading the ID card. Of course, all
functions which are available when reading an ID card are also supported for fingerprints. This data
sheet is an addition to the respective product sheet.
Basically, you have to differentiate between the following information:
The "PID" is the person identification number, also called employee number. 10 finger templates
can be assigned to one PID at most. The PID should be a decimal number; when using transpond-
ers the corresponding format (decimal n digits) must be selected.
The PID must not exceed the decimal value of 4294967295 (2 32 -1).
We recommend working with a 9-place PID.
The "finger template" consists of the PID and the finger characteristics of a person. The finger char-
acteristics are the feature points (minutiae) which are determined from the image after scanning a
The "security level" (false acceptance rate / false rejection rate) defines when a read finger is ac-
cepted or rejected. 60 means that 60% of the minutiae of the scanned template must match 60% of
the reference template, in order to declare the detection as valid. We recommend setting the value
not lower than 55 and not higher than 75. It is best to use 60.
Image quality is the number of usable finger lines in relation to the number of available finger lines.
We recommend setting the value not higher than 40.
The "count of minutiae" defines how many minutiae must be determined from the image so that a
template for a matching can be created or declared as valid.
We recommend setting the value not lower than 7, better set to 10.
For image quality the recommended value is 40. For older models with Biokey 3000 with
a firmware version 04.12, the recommended value is 70. Biokey 3000 with firmware
61.00, the image quality must necessarily be less than 70. The recommended value of
40 offers an optimum for learning the fingers.
Recoment settings:
Security level
%, quality:
% minimum of minutien:
Difficult fingers can be detected by decreasing the parameters, but this can lead to false detection.
The behavior must be checked in each individual case, since it is very dependent on the group of
In such cases, one should switch to another finger, because not every human finger is suitable for
the Minutien method.