Spyder®LENSCAL is the perfect do-it-yourself tool to evaluate and adjust the focus
performance of camera and lens combinations. It is designed to provide photographers
with a fast, portable, and easy to use target to make sure cameras and lenses are
working together at peak performance.
The Problem:
There are several reasons why sharp focus is not achieved. Camera shake, too slow of a
shutter speed, or subject movement are several reasons. Another common reason is
auto focus error. Auto focus is a great convenience, but it needs to perform at its best to
truly harness its power.
DSLRs utilize a separate focus system that can be tuned to maximize performance in
most mid to high-end cameras. This adjustment is implemented because every lens will
perform differently on every camera body. Often times, making adjustments to calibrate
the lens to the camera will improve focus accuracy. Accounting for and adjusting for
these differences is the problem SpyderLENSCAL solves.
The Solution:
Many cameras allow the user to store focus correction data for a particular lens.
SpyderLENSCAL was designed to aid in this adjustment process to maximize the
performance of cameras and lens combinations.