NIC Card Replacement
System Hardware Guide
NIC Card Replacement
DD OS 4.4x and earlier optional
second Ethernet card
DD OS 4.4x and earlier optional
first Ethernet card
DD OS 4.3x and earlier
optional Ethernet card
6 5 4 3 2 1
Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install or replace this
During the procedure, wear a grounding wrist strap to avoid ESD damage to the
An optional Ethernet card adds one or two Ethernet ports to a Data Domain system. The cards can
be any of the following, in any combination.
1GbE copper, 2 ports
1GbE fiber, 2 ports
10GbE copper, 2 ports
10GbE fiber, 1 port
Figure 8 shows the Ethernet card locations in slots 5 and 6. The card slots are numbered from 6 to 1
from left to right as seen from the rear of the system.
Figure 8: Ethernet card and locations for the DD510, DDDD530, DD565, and DD580, and DD580g
Figure 8 shows the first four Ethernet ports as seen on the back panel of a DD580 system and has
pointers to the locations of the fifth and sixth ports when a second Ethernet card is installed in slot
6. In Figure 8, the ports show as copper ports. Fiber ports are installed in the same vertical slots.