–36 dBm. Signal is detected at R – 9 dB or grater; signal loss is
detected at R - 12 dB or lower. Detection limit is at R – 12 dB (loss of
carrier and DCD signal) with a hysteresis of 3 dB (detection of carrier
and DCD signal at R – 9 dB). The minimum reception level is –48
AT&RL27 command line sets receive level at –27dBm. Modem
responds with “OK” message.
Serial Interface Mode
A T & S I x
Sets serial interface mode. Valid values for x are 0 to 6. In transparent
data mode with x=0, adjusting carrier control to DOX mode is invalid.
x = 0
Transparent data, no buffering
x = 1
Asynchronous data, with buffering
x = 2
Indactic Master, bit-synchronous data, no buffering
x = 3
Indactic Slave, bit-synchronous data, no buffering
x = 4
Indactic Master, asynchronous data, buffering
x = 5
Indactic Slave, asynchronous data, buffering
x = 6
ITU-R M.493-11 asynchonous data, buffering
AT&SI1 command line sets serial interface to asynchronous mode.
Modem responds with “OK” message.
A T & C T S x x x x
Sets delay between Request to Send (RTS) from the DTE and
confirmation by the modem in the form of Clear to Send (CTS). Valid
range is 40-6825ms.
AT&CTS50 command line sets RTS/CTS delay at 50ms. Modem
responds with “OK” message.
Fail If DCD Off
A T & D C D x
Turns on /off “Fail if DCD off” option. For x = 0 modem FAIL relay
doesn’t react on DCD changes. For x = 1 FAIL relay is switched on
when DCD = 0. CD led on the modem front side follows DCD
IG202T-R38 User Manual v1.3
, Rev. date: 16 November, 2009