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Instructions for use

Body Armor® Walker II

Lower leg walking cast replacement

1. Unlock all buckles and remove shin guard.
2.  If off-loading for ulcers, fractures or other painful areas is desired,  

remove bottom insole and modify it as described below.

3.  Spread open the shell and lower the foot with the heel first into the 

walker. A thick absorbent sock should be worn.

4.  Place the shin guard into position and secure it under the edges  

of the walker shell.

5.  Insert straps into the buckles and adjust them to the desired  

compression. Close the buckles to locked position.

Off-load site location

>  Mark the area with a transferable marker such as lipstick or ink.
>   Place the foot in the walker and stand to allow the mark to transfer to  

the top insole.

>   Use a straight pin (or similar object) to puncture through the centre of  

the transferred mark. Important is the piercing of both layers.

>   On the bottom of the lower insole, lightly mark the area to be removed,  

as described in the diagram.

Off-loading modifications (A)

After accurately having located the area to be off-loaded on the lower 
insole (see »off-load site location«), use a utility knife or drill to cut area 
directly under the relief site. It is important to skive the edges (approx. 30°) 
so that the opening away from the foot is slightly larger than the opening 
on the upper surface. The relief area should be approximately 5 mm 
larger than the outer edge of the area to be off-loaded and extend distally 
12 mm (see diagram A). A hard, smooth-cutting surface (i. e. glass) is 
recommended for more accurate and safe cutting results. In case of any 
questions with regard to the product or how to attend to it please do not 
hesitate to call our product specialists or send us an E-Mail.








12 mm





