PCIe-FRM24 Users Manual (Rev 1.3)
To run the sample application program, you need to use API, it is a form of client DLL. To
compile the sample source to make its executable file, you have to use Import Library files and
header files. You can find them in the CDROM. To run the .exe file, the API DLL file
must be in the same directory with the .exe file or Windows system folder.
Another method is to add the directory of API DLL file to PATH environmental variable. Figure [5-
2] is a capture screen to execute “FrameView.exe”. The image that is looked to a monitor as it
accesses a Camera-Link connector to PCIe-FRM24 board.
Sample program execution sequence is as follows.
1. Select Bytes 1: 8bit, Bytes 2: 16bit, and Bytes 4: 32bit.
2. Get the resolution of the sensor with Get Size.
3. Resolution
Select the resolution you want to display on the screen.
Or select the resolution obtained from Get Size with Set Detected.
4. Device Init
Set the frame size to the resolution of the sensor.
5. Start
6. Video Data Bits
Select the type of input video
7. Frame View
Actual frame driving function
8. Auto View
Show the frame continuously.
Each menu bar explains as below explanation. It is not use a function without mention it.
“Board #” selection
It can select a Board #0 ~ Board #3. (Selection J4)
”Get Ver.”
It indicates the FPGA version.
”Get Size.”
It gets the input resolution of the sensor.
”Bytes” selection
Select the size of the data width. "0" means 8 bits, "1" means 16 bits, and "2" means 32 bits.
Select camera mode. "0" indicates normal mode, and "1" indicates alternate mode.
(Not currently implemented.)