I/O Configuration
The dspMusik has three stereo input sources, Analog, USB Audio Class 2, and S/PDIF. Each input can be
selected from the display/encoder or Apple remote and have independent gain settings. This is helpful when
the levels from each source can be quite diverse.
For example, you might have the Analog input connected to a phono preamplifier, the USB connected to
your music server and the S/PDIF to a television. Each of these sources could have very different output
levels. When you switch between each source, the volume level can remain consistent. This also means that
turning the volume down for one source does not adjust the others. Mute is universal. All sources are muted
There are 8 balanced Analog outputs. These are usually assigned for specific purposes by the software. For
example, in a DSP crossover, some outputs are assigned to tweeters, others, to woofers, etc. If you have an
OEM version of the dspMusik, make sure you consult the OEM’s instructions for the correct assignments of
each output.
Balanced Audio - ADC & DAC Level Setting:
The dspMusik 2/8 has both input PGAs (programmable gain amplifiers) and output attenuators to adjust the
audio signals to optimum levels. The goal is to maximize signal level without clipping. These switch in
approximately 6dB steps (a little different for the first step to accommodate dBu to dBV differences).
Nominal audio levels are defined by standard in only two ways:
Professional level (Balanced) -4dBu nominal (+22dBu full scale)
Consumer level (Unbalanced) –10dBV nominal (+8dBV full scale)
This means that signal levels are much higher with professional audio equipment (about 11.75dB). We don’t
amplify inputs and we amplify outputs to create these levels.
dspMusik™ 2/8 User Manual
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