Rotating the encoder changes the volume for the selected source. Alternatively, you can use the Up,
Down, Left or Right buttons of the Apple Remote. Doubleclicking the encoder or pressing the Pause
button of the remote causes the system to mute or unmute for all sources. When the system is
muted, it is shown on the display.
Example Screen:
V o l u m e
- 1 0 0 . 0
d B
S / P D I F
M u t e d
Source Selection Mode
Source selection is invoked by a normal click of the encoder when starting in Volume Mode. Rotate
the encoder to the desired selection and press the encoder again. This will accept the new source
setting and return to Volume Mode. Alternatively, you can use the Apple Remote Menu button to
toggle through the selections. This is quicker and bypasses the Source Selection Mode (or returns to
Volume mode if already in Source Selection mode).
Example Screen:
S o u r c e
S e l e c t i o n
S / P D I F
dspMusik™ 2/8 User Manual
Page 7