Components description
This section describes the individual components of the HCV700.
Please use the Fig. 1 illustration on page 5 for reference
Cabinet outer parts are made of aluzink coated sheet metal, finished with powder paint.
The inner part is one moulded polystyrene piece, which cannot be opened.
If adding accessory or exchanging parts, all access is available, just by removing the
front cover, and uses the internal polystyrene hatches for each part.
The cabinet is internal sound and heat insulated, with fire retardant polyester foam. The
unit´s cabinet is designed for mounting in 12°-40° C ambient temperature
The unit is standard equipped with class G4 cassette filter. These filters protects the
heat exchanger, and improves the inside environment by remove dust and particles, in
both airflows. F7 filter can be purchased. If F7 is used, this is always placed in the sup-
ply air, removing even smaller particles in the air. Correct placement of F7 filters ac-
cording mode selection, is shown on the connection label on the top of the unit.
Heat exchanger
The counter flow heat exchanger absorbs the heat energy from extract air and moves
this heat energy to the ingoing supply air, resulting in ventilation virtually without any
heat loss.
Supply air fan supply fresh outdoor air through the unit’s heat exchanger to the distri-
bution ducts, where it´s distributed to bedrooms, living rooms and possibly sauna or
steam bath.
The extract air fan draws used and moistened and polluted air from inside, through the
unit and heat exchanger, in which the heat is moved to supply air. Finally the air is ex-
hausted to the outside.
Water drainage
The unit is equipped with 2 pcs. spigot connections. One of these is mandatory to be
fitted with water hose connections, discharging the condensed water to a sever. A dou-
ble drainage spigot can be used (accessory), or a single one depending on selected run-
ning mode. Correct drainage is shown on the connection label on the top of the unit