VHF Enhanced Extra Wideband Receiver Instruction Manual IM10-VR3H040-AB
Synthesizer OS-3, OS-3H)
For LOW BAND units (OSR-3H061 synthesizer):
Change the select jumpers, JU2, 3, 4 (See Table below).
Use only with Analog Board PCB 50038-03 (Version 03).
Table to be used only as a guideline in choosing correct setting.
Binary JU2 JU3 JU4
Freq. (Minimum)
C24 In
Freq. (Center)
C24 Middle
Freq. (Max)
C24 Out
3 O X
X *50.4
2 O X
O 52.9
1 O O
X 56.5
60.95 64.3
0 O O
O 61.7
67.6 72.3
* C24 is adjusted 2 turns from the bottom.
X = Installed
O = Open
VHF OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz VCO Alignment
Refer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout" diagrams and the
"OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" in section 6 of this manual
Using a high impedance (10 M
) DC Voltmeter, measure the PLL control voltage at TP4
located on the synthesizer module analog board (top)
Access to TP4 is available through the
synthesizer top cover
Using a small standard blade screwdriver, carefully adjust the VCO fine
frequency "TUNE" trimmer capacitor C24 until a test point (TP4) voltage of approximately
+2.3 Vdc is obtained
PLL loop control voltages below approxi0.5 Vdc and above
approxi4.5 Vdc will indicate an "out of lock" synthesizer condition.
If a test point (TP4) reading of approxi2.3 Vdc is unattainable through adjustment of
C24, then the coarse frequency jumpers, JU2-JU4 require modification in order to pull the VCO
tune range within the adjustment range of fine tuning capacitor C24
The top synthesizer cover
must be removed in order to gain access to the coarse frequency jumpers
The coarse frequency
jumpers (JU2-JU4) may be considered to be a selectable binary weighted capacitor element with
JU2 being the most significant "bit" and JU4 being the least significant "bit"
The tuning
resolution size is
12 pF (JU4)
If the tuning voltage remains higher than +2.3 Vdc, decrease the
tuning jumper setting by 1 "bit" position and re-adjust C24 in an attempt to a2.3 Vdc at
For example, if coarse frequency jumpers JU2-JU4 are all installed and represented by 111
then a decrease by 1 "bit" position (12 pF) is represented by a binary jumper selection of 110;
jumper JU4 is not installed and jumpers JU2, JU3 are installed