Daniel Hertz M6
1 MegOhms Preamplifier
The M6 is designed for decades of trouble-
free use. Please care for it as you would a
rare musical instrument. In addition to a
new level of performance, the Daniel Hertz
M6 offers extreme ease of use and harmony
to the eye. It is a hand made work of art
that is practical for daily use.
The Daniel Hertz M6 1 MegOhms Pream-
plifier has one input selector, one volume
control, one power on/off switch and one
gain switch, normal and +12dB. The rear
panel has the following connectors:
1. RCA input connectors for three analog
stereo inputs.
2. USB (PC link) digital audio input.
3. RCA main outputs, ome pair
4. RCA record outputs, one pair.
5. RCA mono outputs for subwoofer and
center channel connections.
6. AC power connection.
Special Features
The M6 employs 1 MegOhms buffer
technology to remove loading from all
source units to obtain the most distortion-
free performance. Daniel Hertz exclusive
1 MegOhms technology makes a dramatic
sonic improvement with normal audio
source units of all kinds.
Most preamplifiers generate noise
which might not be audible with normal
speakers, but is clearly audible with high
efficiency speakers such as the Daniel
Hertz speakers. The M6 has absolutely no
audible noise when used with an ultra-
low noise power amplifier like the Daniel
hertz M6.
The M6 uses new discrete Class A cir-
cuitry for the stereo signal path that pro-
vides exreme sonic purity.
The M6 uses the most advanced vol-
ume control in the world. The volume con-
trol can affect the sonic quality as much or
more than electronic circuitry. The Daniel
Hertz volume control uses a unique resis-
tive substrate, precious metal contact con-
struction and machined metal parts to pro-
vide the most impressive specifications,
sonic transparency, and the best “feel” of
any volume control. The most subtle gain
adjustments up to the largest are made
with perfect tracking and no diode distor-
tion effect from the wiper materials.
A PC or Mac connected to the M6 sur-
passes the most expensive players on the
market for sonic quality, and offers
highly desirable