oration in the preamplifier will limit the
performance of the rest of the system, and
influence the listening experience.
Mark Levinson began his career in audio
with the development of audio preampli-
fiers that redefined excellence in music
reproduction. The M6 1 MegOhms Pream-
plifier is a new vision in minimalist design
and engineering.
Daniel Hertz uses live recording and
playback as an engineering tool to evalu-
ate the accuracy and faithfulness of audio
components, following Mark’s vision of
audio product development. Another tool
for preamplier design is the insertion test,
which compares the sound direct versus
through the preamplifier under test. Ide-
ally, when the preamplifier under test is in-
serted at 0dB of gain difference, +/- 0.1dB,
there is no audible change. The M6 passes
this test with flying colors. The absence of
audible noise further enhances the listen-
ing experience.