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 phase to 

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Summary of Contents for DLX 3.8 UL


Page 2: ...s already on changes bein ial are prope gistered trad Copyright r possible er s the right to order provi ng necessar erty of the re demarks of t Danfoss Us rrors in cata o alter its pr ided that su ry...

Page 3: ...n prior to insta ay have seriou n operation a ctions in this m level of safe intenance A and the grid uption of the ons are outsid es disconnect highlight imp t damage Pa comply with regulations ANT S...

Page 4: ...IV Us ser Guide DLX UL series L00410625 0 01...

Page 5: and ecautions eneral Prepar te Preparation equired Safety on echanical Inst hecks Prior to ectrical Instal tial Start n onnection bet ternal Webse hooting heck List by Fa ble of Events nce witch OF...

Page 6: ...con make it easy ents The com llation and m an integrated nformation is nt of the inve tings and dat fifteen minut ears The inverter s ing the day th nergy harves g power fficient single e solar array...

Page 7: ...andards l Inform of the DLX U nts iven in this U ons itive grounde OVERV w of the invert n of how to u e inverter and Approv le with most Safety UL 1741 mation UL are availab User Guide are ed system...

Page 8: ...intervals f VDC g and temper on diodes Interruption bols his User Guid quipment Pa ide ions where an s and or the ge ations where a th or serious in tions where a hat could resu ons where a n erty and...

Page 9: ...r r mation and ch Figure 2 1 roduct label e High voltag ser Guide The nd understood k hazards leth product meet uirements ot dispose in g em according t Number for inv right side of t haracteristics P...

Page 10: ...e body as one u ant informati CB current ound terminal d Inspec section to un e mage thoroughly ch to shipping T e inverter is fo arrying t er must be co s 22 24 kg Figure 2 2 Cor s and keep th er clo...

Page 11: ...inverter c e of Deliv hase inverter et de unding strap CE ts fittings an ust be provide ter Enclo e DLX UL inve door or outdo e of protectio ected water a by the extern e body th the top cle ox e foam...

Page 12: ...ists of ure oved by Danf s voids the w customer con on and maint e Lower C onnection ar r cover is equ minals on the s H 28 3 W 13 9 D 6 2 i an upper and 1 Up 2 Dis 3 Low sw 4 Ho foss authorize warran...

Page 13: ged with high by qualified p aker and the D he PV array c removing the n exposed to the front with nd take it off Figure 2 6 Remo crews safely t wer cover wit nverter lower rain or in dam ents h v...

Page 14: ...ons and instru and operate t any for interco correct electr ge to the equ ualified perso ergized ports DC switch mu e to work on utions on the ted to a dedi TIONS to install ope t be read tho caution...

Page 15: ...tage VOC mu m voltage is e cted PV modu amage the de of the inverte he inverter d guidelines i nverter warra nce the invert discharged ter upper sec d by authoriz rdance with t ctive inverter onvert P...

Page 16: ...nspections ways be repla ons ions when m maintain the cation ambient tem an result in p may lead to d verter and un t operation nces specified or optimum cooli ken off by qua made to the in d to maxi...

Page 17: ...e pro must comply from flamma k can reach t ormance ope mum perform ment d non explosi ould be betw F 40 C the midity must b inverter to d ight causes i put Also dire be installed o h the rear inv uit...

Page 18: t the current m malfunction d DC switch a enance work t conform to cient for the must be readil their purpose Protectio s fuses or ci t of overload evice is requi eaker trips th tion but sho mity t...

Page 19: ...s 1A the VDC and 1A tors from bac uipped with f ould be as pe nts and NEC part of the sco d recommended DC ent 1x A 5A 0A 0A tion is not req 25 x ISC from r the maximu el nt Protect r OCD prote y the...

Page 20: ...C 8 5A 12 0A 16 0A 18 5A tion d to prevent v th Temperatu AC output cu pen or expose act as lightn posed to tran surge arreste of protection electing appr r selecting kA kA 150 kA AC Fus 208VAC 2 15A...

Page 21: ...rts nnected ns refer to 3 res must be r stallatio mounting m perature Refe lation instruc s urface differ nstaller is res ight of the in upport 176 4 ed in a vertica ance with th ation This is or the...

Page 22: ...Wall bracket cket as follow Fi nverter brack g cer by pulling parts t components ws igure 4 2 Assemb ket with the sp g it over the s A Inv B Sp C Str bling the wall bra pacer by guid lit until it is f...

Page 23: ...s betwee n the mountin sure that the imum 2 faste ews The hole cket and the g it over the s en the inverte et to the wall bracket have a ews en the fasteners ng surface us bracket is co eners The ins...

Page 24: ...o d slide the inv ecurely aligne e Stringbox R rter is proper o Electri C circuit brea ed state to pr h OFF hall comply w grid specifica Technical Dat properly faste s are listed fo color coding et as...

Page 25: ...lation si llation s critical for a ections must b al electrical r Figure 4 5 Simplif e considered ctly sized con nt carrying c carry current on of voltage ed to minimiz y yield s section area ing and...

Page 26: ...m away from ob or PV applicat avoid materi or positive gr depending on rdless of the U mperature rati bjects that ca tions and the ial damage a 1 CAN 2 RS 4 3 Ethe 4 Inter PO 5 Inter GND 6 Inter 7 DC...

Page 27: ...ts are m onduits are m work conduits ings that fulf outs ped with kno the bottom o s for and 1 n the left and ox the knock ou ngs middle of the h edges se only UL Lis cted to the St mounted on th moun...

Page 28: ...rminated a 8 criteria for cond onduits es from the co tening torque e PV system li and facilitate be carried out cal regulation circuits are is ction 250 of t ounding shall e of the Natio ative or the...

Page 29: ...pecifications ements inverters are minal block Fi uctors are gro NOT be grou ar and possib ons PV iring from th ured with a St he PV array b 0 VDC to the in e lower cover he OFF positi Figure 4 10 DC...

Page 30: ...ed at the F F 1 2 N N ch in the Strin er inverter co tment P N l of the inver s only PV modules c attached to t sible PV string ructions whe array and the with a negat o be delivere U 1 Unground F1 F2...

Page 31: ...e p o the inverter The open ci ns The voltag temperature rating and a rating he bottom of PV array A DC e lower cover he OFF posit nnect switch uration diffe the DC termi he DC switch odule technol pa...

Page 32: ...he Ung NEG termina fference betw PV String ed PV string ound to Posi ductors at the ductors at th sitive conduc tment negative con ompartment bf 2 0 Nm fo String grounded str ce between n grounded an...

Page 33: ...AWG and connections s and specific conductors a ng 1 11 ft lbf nductors at th ft lbf 1 5 Nm DI that incorp grounding co Connectio rminals are re amaged due conductors rrents If the D ted in the con ke...

Page 34: ...ufactur ding setup th rounding configu nt Top v ons Grid iring from the ock of the inv ters are comp grid WYE 5 Hz provides a v utral of the in e turning ON stem Grou k in the invert ng to the gro rin...

Page 35: ...An electrica nnected to th on of either L ovide 120 VAC ted evenly be phase system ers connected e unbalanced ocedures ge configura tors on the A Ensure compl tors on the A nce with the between 10 A...

Page 36: ...ons onductors to ue of the term connection is h Neutral phase neutral phase neutral ors resistance s and specific the correspo minal screws performed c e should be m cations from onding termi is 1 5 N...

Page 37: ...d neu 16 Connections tor at the ter er compartm tor at the ter er compartm uctor at the t round condu white or gre k in the String he inverter low utral for single phase minal labeled ment minal label...

Page 38: ...erter lowe ne 2 conduct inverter lowe quipment gr l 17 Connections f tor at the ter er compartm tor at the ter er compartm rounding co for Delta grid wit minal labeled ment minal labeled ment onductor...

Page 39: ...AC phase to minate the li ht side of the L00410625 01 ounded phase only Figure 4 18 Con ne 1 conduct inverter lowe nnections for Del tor at the ter er compartm lta corner ground minal labeled ment ded...

Page 40: ...cation w nection without n ocedures ted together e to benefit fr Figure 4 20 Ne or at the term er compartm onductor at th d yellow colo nal block and verter lower c ed phase s unication inte en the in...

Page 41: ...uctors mu ends i e H co que onductors mu ends i e A co que to tighte firmly is recommen h the GND at gger is conne t of two or mo pinout B 3 Ether 4 Cable 24 AWG 0 2 WG 0 21 mm 4 AWG 0 21 he connectio...

Page 42: ...d the j tance when t the cables an ns can be term d The master he last inverte st and last inv umper must b ns when rem ination resistanc Jumpe rmination jumper locate the pins are t nd helps to av mi...

Page 43: ors and cable circuit volta rity is correct ductors on are ent groundin s for the grou arrying cond t the breaker rent protectio of being cha nterfere with housing Rec r cover is corr es the elect...

Page 44: ...eaker s s r the first tim er than 7 WDC rtain values a the Inver AC disconnect on menu is d d he CAN bus e p can then be guration sett ollower invert omatically ass are connecte ving sufficient etup e...

Page 45: ...1 er and the fol n the 3rd party rs in the inve to section 6 1 s compliant w e of the inverte the six functi a further nav levels en correct pa lighted lines the first leve bus enables c party equipm...

Page 46: ...scr ction unction Invert e ion Inverter st imited level rates inverter f grid rter is OFF Pow owing uses ase value decrease valu page or value highlighted in on causes a c tion fficient AC po aver is...

Page 47: ...Left Right Enter Left Right Enter Cancel t Ok r Confirm ult English r Call up the l r Down Navig he preferred la ish etc r Confirm t Next r Confirm MM YYYY r Call up the d Increase prese n Decrease p...

Page 48: ...e time on the Enter Up In Down Enter Left B Right Enter ue bus ID for Network S e missed U MM 24 H r Call up the d Increase prese n Decrease p Select previo t Select next r Confirm Back t Next r Conf...

Page 49: ...ed fro Enter Up or actua 120sp 208 D Enter Left Right Enter ult No r Call up the o Yes n No r Confirm Back t Next r Confirm om the follow r Call up the r Down Selec al installation s pl st 240 D Co D...

Page 50: s 0 disables th hat the grid se urs of feeding ller password y contacting D n must match t operate or b ue to incorre erter settings Enter Defau sec Left Right Enter et is 30 sec a he screen tim U...

Page 51: ...d ase letter he wanted le ween the cha Left and Righ or 19 characte Enter The ke Left Right Enter t be typed us Num Symbol etter number aracters by us ht to navigate ers in the text r Call up the k ey...

Page 52: ...Back t Next r Confirm r Call up the unit name help tify specific inv Back t Next r Confirm r Call up the k message field i ify specific inv information Back t Next r Confirm ser Guide DLX UL keyboard...

Page 53: ...u Chang NOTIC This p invert revisio Left Right Enter d it must be c llower inverte nd the LEDs It yed and or th he CAN cable ges are 184 y carried out mal operation d urred during Possib 1 No c 2 Wro...

Page 54: ...password is 0 l Setup Passw lost or forgotte cess to all leve number If the a new passwo ng needs a pa be done with which is alwa is set during default menu menus in the bserver cription of th ssword...

Page 55: nume show y and yearly Up or D Left or total ye Energ Peak Earni Avoid of PV DC and e and power a taneous outpu t values of PV ent voltage an erically The cu wn as a bar gra values Down Naviga Righ...

Page 56: ...s of the inv cut to the Ac e operation m erial number home screen rates with no w l operates but tdown there i ot sufficient to shutdown Inp n of input valu g wer is reduced rter in shutdow ystem fail...

Page 57: ...nus of Sta ve Alarms lays detailed n the upper le y Area hortcut to the e screen mode and sta atus information eft corner of t e Main Menu Up or Enter tus of the inv Up or subm Enter about the cu the...

Page 58: the in tup e status and o s 8 different mo s 3 different sta e and power fed e frequency an achieved throu arvest througho nside the inverte insulation betw ure The resistan unning time fro tatus a...

Page 59: ...verte system must h inverters parameters o anguage must b must be set durin must be set durin rd must have 4 d conserved base n the respective in the respective e display backlig an either be ON e GUI...

Page 60: ...ld for keepin This text string An extra messa d settings bas the installatio er password w AC grid config Additional inf Nominal volta Nominal freq the specific in er for each inve ach inverter hard n...

Page 61: thes 20 WYE Corn for 208 VAC Voltage Min 5 5 VAC 2 6 5 VAC 2 08 VAC 22 08 VAC 24 0 Split phase for 240 VAC Voltage Min 3 7 VAC 2 2 5 VAC 2 40 VAC 26 40 VAC 28 its Frequency Min 35 Hz 6 0 Hz 6 d par...

Page 62: ...y cont ettings appe anged the sc ttings onnection time l onnection time ection limit of th ection limit of th onnection time l onnection time ings id Setup Gr grid after inst he Installer pa acting Da...

Page 63: ...s the ene Deletes the 15 Update if invert Rebuilds the pl currently conne several minutes tion of an em us and opera word data in the in Up or D Enter elete events ergy log items a minutes averag b ad...

Page 64: ...ost companie ternet service pted SMTP tr ed or connec TP server mu m Setup Noti up Usually provi is the e mail must be config Up or D Enter r the inverter the mail server nd symbols mak ddress e g xxx...

Page 65: ...loading hour to the p patible with D FTP server IP ad FTP server user FTP server pass Sets the SMTP p Default is 25 in ured as a mas y be applied addresses nverter and w cal network the server ad ds i...

Page 66: ...atistics rter summary of nd in total sin about the in ning event ha ent has clear e daily mont nformation is the most imp nce Start Up nverter s logg Up or D Left G Right as occurred red hly yearly an...

Page 67: confi twork y to a compu computer do nection without n rs connected master inverte energy product he feed in energ missions kg kW st instantaneou rtant statistic ergy production he feed in energ m...

Page 68: ...ava where the DH gn a dynamic r IP address m P address mu is 192 168 10 t the inverter o the inverter address line steps to be f ress This pro clicking Star ork and Shar n Propertie rsion 4 TCP I add...

Page 69: ...rk and AN or WAN ne outer Dynamic IP p 0 000 000 W cally to the in t to configure P Static I p ed unique ad IP address in t to configure he Intern accessible f ed a static IP up within th TP and must...

Page 70: ...owser erver nboard webse d energy prod in Firefox 6 0 some inverte s in the comp nt is User ad user and sho be found at nternet Servic ed a dynamic stant over a unt with a co ate users wh rviceprovide...

Page 71: tus shows th alues from th rd display w Figure 6 14 St atus and oper values on DC ormation for s nt to the right e energy yiel he production hich is alway tandard display rating mode C and AC side...

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Page 73: ...words The d 1 Read only 2 Read and w rmation of ev 16 Setup racteristics of mation are al CO2 rating an to notificatio and IP addre e inverter an ending email 1440 min 1 ay upload ene either IP add a...

Page 74: 3 Read and w bout events t st Figure 6 17 d by navigatin s and years c ve e event log m yed if availab llowers may b same or new uch as netwo write access that the inve 7 Event Log ng directly to...

Page 75: ...the co nformation c nd alarms in nergy yield Figure 6 ecific warning used by Dan rameters from r plant to the with peak va figured as a m onnected inv lick the Plant the plant an 18 Status g or alarm...

Page 76: ...tem installe Failure ower to the g isconnect cir cient to gene of the LEDs is s or alarms in in the system oltage curren here is still no s ntifies operat bout warning the display es to operate umber...

Page 77: ...eck th that the Check th have bee Setup G Turn off seconds Wait 30 on If still un the supp 0 Contact Fault is c PV volta If the inv during d supplier The grou incorrec Check th setup 4 System G If the...

Page 78: ...m dir Clean ve Ventilati If the inv off the A side Wa on the A If the fau supplier Contact replacem Contact replacem Contact Contact ser Guide DLX UL on the AC side shown verter is in Shu AC side and...

Page 79: ...c Setup If the fai supplier The inve the frequ permissi Check th been suc Setup If the fai installer The inve the frequ permissi Check th been suc Setup If the fai supplier The inve the fault If the f...

Page 80: ...ill runn fault DC side erved for futu e ning W W E29 ure use Description Fault ride thro The varistors o are damaged n ough on the DC side U Action Contact e Contact ser Guide DLX UL the supplier the...

Page 81: ...aintenance is explained ct the inverte k on the inver dly voltages p breaker s ors k discharge y be present i ank It must b nce work on m Inspec ned and man ce will ensure d persons to nvolving rem fi...

Page 82: ...t b ue to the risk commended de and outsid mediately nnection nals and plug Do not forget Breakers ped circuit br n for blown fu must be perfo ound Fus ng message w odules pane voltages wh OFF Do not...

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Page 84: ...foss author Figure 8 3 Po splay when t ontinues to fe ld at which p R ctancy and d erefore need Vac Soft Com r which distri e fan require rized service osition of the fan the fan needs eed the maxim p...

Page 85: ...the var l of the invert ualified pers isplay when a or with DC Va side are locat work connec istors if they Figure 8 4 Varis ding the cond ularly at leas or with AC Va C side are loca terminal area is...

Page 86: ...the left d the middle d the right V ocedure tool delivered is designed a Figure 8 5 Varis between the Figure 8 6 Check maged t VDR 2 e VDR 4 VDR 5 d in the pack as a fork and stors on the AC si e term...

Page 87: ...and ews J and K in g plate betwe up and slide rvice tool to open nd remove th Figure 8 5 to g the clamps w es without disass rter s lower c he power sou with lethal vo nverter is not over Refer to AC...

Page 88: ...e inverte acement verter carefu connection ho plate I into t ws J and K wit for replacing the er lly onto the m oles on the in he slot betwe th a torque o e inverter mounting bra nverter E F a een the...

Page 89: ...the D cable in the st nverters or re ollower the m to operation atically main e master and m ork Setup Se d sposal can either be s Danfoss is c ppeals to end to seek safe a ter should alw t as a resu...

Page 90: ...after the rranties the in ng to the inst ulations aimer e or when una ormal wear a ted serial num y for damages ving the inve made to the ned operate nd instructio he limit value abnormal co ent for d...

Page 91: rade noise level nal temperature ra mperature range emperature humidity n against excessiv age category AC age category DC y backfeed to PV a ces conduit knoc ction onnection polarity protection au...

Page 92: ...Field configurable High fre hical colour displa verse polarity pr witch integral DC positive 000 6 2 EN 610 741 IEEE 1547 IE U Yes e for ungrounded equency transform ay with 6 touch se indication Bui...

Page 93: ...el ervoltage time ervoltage evel ervoltage time frequency frequency er frequency er frequency L00410625 01 djustab p Details DEFAUL 24 12 22 95 18 1 10 12 60 8 59 8 p Details DEFAUL 28 12 26 95 21 1 1...

Page 94: ...investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard s indicated on this Certificate Standard s for Safety UL 1741 Inverters Converters Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use with Dist...

Page 95: ...sequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss...
