Connecting the room panel / remote control
The ECA 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 is activated by the setting in line 10
(section 32).
The ECA 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 is powered by the system device bus
which means that the bus must be active. The bus is activated by
setting the controller address to 15 (section 32, line 199).
For an active override, you have to choose the mode
“scheduled operation”! Input S1 ... S6 (ECL Card C14 only uses
S5) can be used for override purposes (section 32, line 141).
Connection example without ECA 9010
If the override switch has goldplated contacts, you can
choose one of the following solutions or a combination of
(C14 = 21 only)
(C14 = 21 only)
Closed switch:
Closed switch:
Comfort temperature Setback temperature
Open switch:
Open switch:
Scheduled operation
Scheduled operation
Connection example with ECA 9010
The ECA 9010 module is powered by the system device bus,
which means that the bus must be active. The bus is activated
by setting the controller address to 15 (line 199). To avoid
influence from contact resistance, the use of ECA 9010 is
Brown Green S1 ... S6 (C14 = S5 only)