B. Loading Film: 1” Mandrel (B)
B. Loading Film: 1” Mandrel (B)
Unpack the upper and lower supply man-
drels. The upper and lower mandrels are
different. The word “TOP” is stamped on
the shaft of the upper mandrel and the
word “LOW” is stamped on the shaft of the
lower mandrel. The ends of each mandrel
are also different. The “hanger” end
ts in
the bracket on the left side of the laminator.
The “slot end”
ts into the tension adjuster
on the right side.
Slide the
lm roll onto the mandrel by rotat-
ing the mandrel in the opposite direction of
the gripper points, leaving equal lengths of
mandrel sticking out of each end. The
roll will slide over the gripper, which will
keep the roll from turning on the shaft.
Load the mandrel on the laminator by in-
serting the slot end of the mandrel into the
tension adjuster on the right side and then
lowering the hanger end into the bracket
on the left side.