Spyder3 S3-14 and S3-24 Monochrome Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Saving and Restoring Settings
Use these com m and s to select, load , and save factory , u ser, and coefficient sets.
Camera Link Commands
lp c i
Load s you r p reviou sly saved p ixel coefficients from non -volatile m em ory to active statu s. 0:
factory calibration. 1 – 4: u ser sets.
Restores the camera’s factory settings. The FPN and PRNU coefficients are reset to 0.
ru s
Restores the cam era's last saved u ser settings and FPN and PRN U coefficients.
w fc i
Write all cu rrent FPN coefficients to non -volatile m em ory. 1 – 4 available sets.
w il i
Write current LUT’s to non -volatile memory. 1- 4 available sets.
w p c i
Write all cu rrent PRN U coefficients to non -volatile m em ory. 1 – 4 available sets.
w u s
Write all of the u ser settings to non -volatile m em ory.
For each cam era op erating m od e (high sensitivity forw ard d irection, high sensitivity reverse d irection,
low sensitivity, or tall p ixel), the cam era has d istinct factory settings, cu rrent settings, and u ser settings. In
ad d ition, there is one set of factory p re-calibrated p ixel coefficients and u p to fou r sets of u ser created
p ixel coefficients for each op erating m od e.
Figure 14: Saving and Restoring Overview
4 sets of user
pixel coefficients
wus wpc,wfc
rus lpc
1 set of factory
pixel coefficients
For each camera operating mode:
Low Sensitivity
High Sensitivity Forward
High Sensitivity Reverse
Tall Pixel