![Dalsa S3-24-02k40-00-RSpyder3 S3-24-04k40-00-R User Manual Download Page 27](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/dalsa/s3-24-02k40-00-rspyder3-s3-24-04k40-00-r/s3-24-02k40-00-rspyder3-s3-24-04k40-00-r_user-manual_504494027.webp)
Spyder3 S3-14 and S3-24 Monochrome Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Using Camera Link with Spyder3 Cameras
All of the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the serial interface. The cam era can also be u sed
w ithou t the serial interface after it has been set u p correctly. For exam p le, fu nctions available inclu d e:
Controlling basic cam era fu nctions su ch as gain and sync signal sou r ce.
Flat field correction .
Mirroring and read ou t control
Generating a test p attern for d ebu gging .
The serial interface u ses a sim p le ASCII-based p rotocol and the PC d oes not requ ire any cu stom softw are.
This com m and set m ay be d ifferent from those u sed by other Teled yne DALSA cam eras. You
shou ld not assu m e that these com m and s p erform the saI m e as those for old er cam eras.
Complete Command List
A list of all the available com m and s is inclu d ed in ASCII Com m and s: Reference, p age 70.
Serial Protocol Defaults
8 d ata bits
1 stop bit
N o p arity
N o flow control
9.6kbp s
Cam era d oes not echo ch aracters
Command Format
The cam era resp ond s to a sim p le ASCII-based p rotocol. When entering com m and s, rem em ber that:
A carriage retu rn <CR> end s each com m and .
A sp ace or m u ltip le sp ace characters sep arate p aram eters. Tabs or com m as are invalid p aram eter
sep arators.
Up p er and low ercase ch aracters are accep ted
The backsp ace key is su p p orted
The camera w ill answer each com m and w ith either <CR><LF> ―OK >" or <CR>< LF>"Error xx: Error
Message >" or ―Warning xx: Warning Message >‖. The ">" is used exclu sively as the last character
sent by the cam era.
The follow ing p aram eter conventions are u sed in the m anu al:
= integer valu e
= real nu m ber
= m em ber of a set
= string
= tap id
= p ixel colu m n nu m ber
= p ixel row nu m ber
Exam p le: to retu rn the cu rrent cam era settings