![Dalsa S3-24-02k40-00-RSpyder3 S3-24-04k40-00-R User Manual Download Page 2](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/dalsa/s3-24-02k40-00-rspyder3-s3-24-04k40-00-r/s3-24-02k40-00-rspyder3-s3-24-04k40-00-r_user-manual_504494002.webp)
Spyder3 S3-14 and S3-24 Monochrome Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
© 2013 Teled yne DALSA. All inform ation p rovid ed in this manual is believed to be accu rate and reliable. N o resp onsibility is
assu m ed by Teled yne DALSA for its u se. Teled yne DALSA reserves the right to make changes to this inform ation w ithou t notice.
Rep rod u ction of this manu al in w hole or in p art, by any m eans, is p rohibited w ithou t p rior p erm ission having been obtained from
Teled yne DALSA.
About Teledyne Technologies and Teledyne DALSA, Inc.
Teled yne Technologies is a lead ing p rovid er of sop histicated electronic su bsystem s, instru m entation and com m u nication p rod u cts,
engineered systems, aerospace engines, and energy and pow er generation systems. Teled yne Technologies’ operations are primari ly
located in the United States, the United Kingd om and Mexico. For more inform ation, visit Teled yne Technologies’ w ebsite at
w w w .teled yne.com.
Teled yne DALSA, a Teled yne Technologies com pany, is an international lead er in high p erformance d igital im aging and
sem icond u ctors w ith ap p roxim ately 1,000 em p loyees w orld w id e, head qu art ered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canad a. Established in 1980,
the com pany d esigns, d evelop s, manu factu res and markets d igital im aging p rod u cts and solu tions, in ad d ition to p rovid ing MEMS
prod ucts and services. For more information, visit Teled yne DALSA’s w ebsit e at ww w .teled ynedalsa.com.
For further information not includ ed in this manual, or for information on Teled yne DALSA’s extensive line of image sensing
p rod u cts, p lease contact:
North America
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Teled yne DALSA Gm bH
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Tel: +49 - 89 - 89545730
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sales.asia@teled yned alsa.com
su p p ort@teled yned alsa.com
Industry Standards
Teled yne DALSA and this m od el of the Sp yd er3 cam era su p p ort the Cam era Link™ com m u nications interface for vision
ap p lications. Cam era Link is a high sp eed com m u nications interface for vision ap p lications. It p rovid es a stand ard m ethod of
com m u nication betw een d igital cam eras and fram e grabbers.
Detailed information on Cam era Link is available in the Teled yne DALSA Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map d ocu m entation,
available from the Know led ge Center on ou r Web site: (http :/ / w w w .teled yned alsa.com / mv/ know led ge/ ap p notes.aspx).